lundi, octobre 08, 2007


bool isHavingFun( cProspect &BobGuy )

cvro* Me = cVro.GetInstance();

if (Me->IsOutKraoke())

if (Me->IsDrunk() )


return true;

if ( BobGuy.IsNice(Me) && BobGuy.IsPretty(Me) && !BobGuy.IsDrunk())

return true;
else if( BobGuy.IsDrunk())

if( Me->GetNumberOfSongSing() >= 3 )

return true;

if( Me->IsFriendsAround())

if( Me->GetNumOfOncleAround() <= 3 )

return true;


return false;


if( Me->IsWorking() ||
Me->IsGettingLaid() ||
Me->IsShopping() ||
(Me->IsDrunk() && Me->NoSick()) ||
Me->EatingCandies() )


return true;

return false;


En gros.... L'acool semble rendre n'importe quel situation plus acceptable a condition d'être la personne a en comsommé assez pour être un peu pompette.

"Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh I wish this could be real
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't want to face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart

Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant to me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again" Jlo - It Ain't Funny

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